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5 uses for the Bókun Marketplace that might surprise your revenue person

The Bókun Team • July 23rd, 2024

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You’ve been tasked to find new ways to grow your bookings and sales figures. And here comes a curveball: you need to produce the same results (or even more!) but with a smaller team and less resources.

We’ve listed five ways you can be using the Bókun Marketplace to tackle that and make your life much easier.

Like the Yellow Pages, Only Better

From walking tour guides and adventure activity operators to travel agents and distributors, you’ll find a wide variety of businesses in the tours and activities space on the Marketplace. Get quick information about a business, including their products and services.

And the best part? You can use the platform to reach out and contact them right away!

So This Instead of ITB?

Don’t get us wrong – we still love going to events and tradeshows, catching up with old friends and making new ones. But for the rest of the year, the Marketplace is here for you.

 Collaborate with someone you’re already familiar with, or even seek out new opportunities to partner up.

Go Local of Global?

It is entirely up to you really. The Marketplace features tour suppliers and resellers from your local area to almost every country around the world.

You can be looking at a tour company who runs a good number of popular experiences in a European city, all the way to a solo operator with unique tours in your area.

Likewise, resellers like local hoteliers, city car rentals, destination management companies, and even global online travel agencies are on the Marketplace seeking for tours and activities to promote to their travellers.

Bundle Up for More

When your customers are booking another tour or activity along with yours, you know that’s an opportunity there!

Bundle your rafting activity with a local excursion tour operator on the Marketplace and create a unique package that you can offer. Increase sales, grow new revenue, and even appeal to different customers with your combo products.

One Place to Manage All Your Partnerships

If the above points don’t convince you, this might! With the Marketplace, you can manage not only your connections, but also the operation part, all in one place.

Formalize a partnership with paperless agreements via the platform, share product information seamlessly with your partners, and even report on sales performance after!

Check out your potential partners on the Bókun Marketplace today.

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